Artificial Intelligence - Is it really killing employment?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.
AI brings mixed emotions and opinions when referenced in the context of jobs. If you ask the question “Do you think Artificial Intelligence will be a net job killer or net job creator?” to colleagues, friends, or strangers you’re bound to get some very strong opinions on this subject.
There’s no doubt that AI will eliminate the need for many different kinds of jobs in many different categories. But at the same time, AI will create new jobs in categories that we know of, and many more in categories that have yet to be created.
Automation has been embraced by companies for many decades, but automation is not intelligence and there is no doubt that the addition of more cognitive capabilities in the technologies that companies use will allow organizations to rethink their usage of human labor for activities as wide ranging as call center operations, warehouse activities, trucking and transportation, brick-and-mortar retail, and even mining, oil, and gas activities.
Many make the argument that job losses won’t be felt at the top or bottom of the pay scale, but rather in the middle. There will be less management by humans, and more management by machines and AI colleagues. Collectively these middle income jobs employ a very large percentage of the world population so this will no doubt have an impact on jobs and the workforce.
The argument with every wave of technology, from the automatic weaving looms of the early industrial revolution to the computers of today is that jobs are not destroyed, but rather employment shifts from one place to another as entirely new categories of employment are created.
The real job creator will be entirely new categories of jobs that we can’t even think of yet. If you went back in time 20 or 30 years and told someone that they would work as a social media marketer they would have no idea what you were talking about. Likewise, if you go forward 20 to 30 years there will be whole sectors of the economy and major employers that are not even possible today.
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Digital Marketing Manager
WeP Solutions Ltd.
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